How to Plan Renovations


Exterior renovations or other visible changes to your property must be undertaken with care in Weybridge. Projects must be reviewed and approved by 2 different groups prior to starting work, or even signing contracts (so don't write any checks up front).

To make the design review process easier to follow, we’ve prepared this page with the most common steps listed and with links to all the resources you’ll need. Keep in mind your specific project may follow a different path, depending on the details.

But in general, this is what you want to do…

[1] Research the requirements

Do not begin any renovations, additions, or other exterior changes until you research the process, do your paperwork, and get written approvals from both Weybridge and Muirfield. For example:

  • read through the entire process below
  • explore the Design Review portion of the Muirfield Association website
  • download all the forms you’ll need for your project and print them out
  • advise any contractors they cannot start work (nor should they bill you) until you have approval, which can take 1-3 weeks
Also, consider using the free Project Planning Assistance provided by Muirfield at no charge. They have design and landscape architects that can help you review your options and build a plan more likely to be approved.

[2a] Fill out a Weybridge Design Change Request Form

Your approvals start with Weybridge. So be sure to download and fill out the Weybridge Design Change Request Form (PDF). Fill out the form, include any necessary drawings, photos or other supporting materials. Then pass the completed request to a Weybridge Board member.

Not sure how to fill out the form or have questions about the process? Contact a Board member to discuss first.

[2b] Fill out a Weybridge Roofmates Agreement (if needed)

If your exterior design or landscaping changes affect both roofmates, your application must include one additional form: a signed Weybridge Roofmates Agreement (PDF). For example, if you want to make landscaping changes in the strip of land between the driveways, that would need a Roofmates Agreement. Changing exterior paint colors also requires roofmates to agree, and therefore requires the Roofmates Agreement form.

[3] Fill out the required Muirfield Association forms

Find, download, read, and fill out the appropriate Muirfield Design Review application form(s) you need for your specific project. Muirfield has an excellent overview page that covers their design and review process and includes forms for any imaginable project.

If you're trying to hit a particular timeline, keep in mind the Design Control Committee only meets every 2 weeks. You can see their next meeting dates on the Muirfield Calendar.

[4] Turn in all documents to a Weybridge Board member

When you've got your forms, diagrams, photos, and everything ready, turn in the package to a Weybridge Board member for review. The Board will either approve and pass the documentation on to Muirfield for you, or will provide feedback and request changes.

[5] Wait

Keep in mind it can take 1-3 weeks to get approvals in place, as the Muirfield Design Control Committee (DCC) only meets every 2 weeks. The DCC meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays and requests must be received by Muirfield Association office by noon the Friday before. It’s possible the DCC will come back to you with questions, requests for changes, or outright rejection — so you may have more work to do. But once they reach for the “approved” stamp, you’re good to go.

[6] Proceed with the project (no changes allowed)

Muirfield will get in touch once your application is approved by the Design Control Committee. From there, you're good to go for bringing in contractors or starting the digging or construction yourself. However, keep in mind you and your contractors must proceed with the plan as submitted and approved -- material changes to the project are not permitted. If you must make changes, you'll have to apply for approval again either with all-new paperwork or with revisions attached to the original project.